Mysterious death at Temora’s Federal Hotel

Federal Hotel Temora 1949 anu
The Federal Hotel, Temora, NSW, 1949. Picture: Noel Butlin Archives, Australian National University.

Mysterious death at the Federal

A POST mortem failed to reveal the cause of death of 48-year-old Henry Murphy, who was found dead in a bedroom at the Federal Hotel, Temora in September 1948.

A broken drinking glass and a wrapper of a headache powder were found in his room of the pub, located in the Riverina region of New South Wales.

The contents of Murphy’s stomach were sent to the Government Analyst, where it was determined Murphy may have suffered from heart trouble.

The Federal Hotel replaced the Grenfell Hotel, which was destroyed by fire in 1901.

The Federal was stripped of its balcony and attractive cast lacework balustrade in the 1960s.

Ironically the hotel was again the victim of fire in 1995 and closed for business. The restored building now operates as a bed and breakfast and craft store.

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Categories: Australian Hotels, NSW hotels

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